Abuse Prevention Resources
We wish to provide help and information to help prevent Child Abuse and Endangerment. Here are links that can used help keep children safe.
Resources for Parents and the Community
Abuse & Warning Signs:
Talking to Your Child:
How to Respond:
Sexual Abuse Prevention:
Local Community Resources References
Listed below are various local resources for individuals and families!
Find Local Food Pantries Here!
Find Local Clothing Closets Here!
Location: 130 North First Street Suite 102, Stroudsburg, PA, United States, Pennsylvania

Housing Resources:
Salvation Army:
Emergency Shelter for individuals and families up to 30days
Phone: 570-420-8589
Address: P.O.Box 1021 Stroudsburg PA, 18360
Website: https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/eastern-pennsylvania/east-stroudsburg/
Family Promise
Provides shelter, other services to families experiencing homelessness
Phone: 570-420-8589
Address: PO Box 1021 Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Website: https://www.familypromisepa.org/emergency-shelter
Pocono Area Transitional Housing
Transitional Housing for homeless families with children
Phone: 570-424-0542
Address: P.O.Box 308 Stroudsburg PA, 18360
Website: https://www.pathhouse.org/
Crisis Lifelines and Helplines:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Youth America Hotline – Counseling for Teens by Teens, 1-877-968-8454 (1-877-YOUTHLINE)
New Perspectives – Crisis Hotline, Residence , Mobile Crisis Intervention : 570-992-0876
Crisis Intervention: 800-849–1865
Safe Monroe: Women’s Resource of Monroe County :
24 Hotline: 570-421-4200
Resources for Disabled Individuals
Disability Services 1-866-286-3636
Autism Services 1-866-539-7689
Crossroads Community Services:
Tel: 570-476-9228
Toll-free: 88-316-8115
Fitzmaurice Community Services:
Address: 2115 N 5th St, Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Tel: 570-424-622
Toll Free: 800-289-8980